Oh Uh Um Ah Now [Applause] Hey so So Hey Hey Me Man [Applause] um Me [Applause] So You
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Video Tags: Guitar solo,guitar,solo,chris buck,amazing guitar solo,beautiful guitar solo,blues guitar solo
Video Duration: 00:05:29
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Wow laddie
Looks like Game of thrones character that killed the litch king
This dude has played before! 🙂
That's so awesome I'm never even sure it's real.
if you love what you do!❤
Think I just came
Eyes shut the entire time just riding on soul, absolutely fire.
He reminds me Rory Galaher a little……..
Just want to let everyone know that if you search “guitar solo” this is the third video that shows up, thats how i found it.
In case anybody's wondering, the name of the group is Buck and Evans and the song is Dreams to Remember (Otis Redding cover)
I didn't really know who Chris Buck was until today. Now that I know all I can say is – unreal. Based on that solo, I surmise Chris had Dickey Betts as one of his influences. I heard lots of major pentatonic in the style of the ABB song Mountain Jam, with ABB runs in that solo toward the end. Also, to me, he's very melodic, like Guthrie Trapp. His tone is fantastic on that stage. Can someone point me to his band?
havent been moved or nearly brought to tears by a guitar solo for a looooong time…magical🤘
She sings amazingly
No Baker Street is superior. Sorry. Just telling the truth.
That was incredible
Amazing guitar solo! Chris Buck is such an awesome player
Gravity?… interesting…
I'm glad I took five minutes of my life to watch this.
certainly one of the best solos you can find on YouTube –