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Video Tags: Black,Sabbath,Live,In,At,Paris,L’Olympia,Olympia,Theather,1970,70’s,70s,seventies,concert,show,set,full,classic,Rock,Hard,Heavy,Metal,Masterpiece,Best,HD,HQ,high,Quality,Definition,Sound,Edit,Video,Movie,Film,Ozzy,Osbourne,Line-Up,First,1080p,Music,Series,Bizarre,Bazaar,Diogo,Morais,Afonso,Vintage
Video Duration: 00:39:37
I'm sorry about all the ads here featured. I had absolutely nothing to do with that! If you ask me (and they didn't!), it makes the video very, very FLAT, but – apparently – that's the will of the copyright owners… In fact I had deleted other videos in the past, for the very same reasons (a lot of ads cutting the movie and ruining the experience), and I promised I would delete all videos in that conditions, no matter the popularity… This one started with one ad, and then I blink my eye, and it's full of them… : / They really seem to be begging for one of my Bizarre DELETES… but – after some thought – I've decided I'll leave this one, at least for now… The only reason: this is my favorite video and I love the Black Sabbath, even when they're ruining their own art (…and mine)… To the other smart arses out-there: Don't Get Used to it!!!
I love Ozzie, Bill, Geezer, and Tony. Proof Positive of their eternal greatness, thank you for what you did….
This concert is the definitive proof that Black Sabbath are the true Fathers of Heavy Metal.
Bear in mind at the beginning of Iron Man, Ozzy does the first documented birth of headbanging.
" Stomp your head!" He screams to the audience.
And we thankfully oblige.
Obey The Riff.
Praise Iommi, Butler, Osbourne and Ward.
It's awesome to see how much fun they are having
best rhythm section ever and kinda underrated
Ozzie has 2 mics taped together. I am assuming, since this is
an analog recording, that one mic is left input and the other right.
Black Sabbath was my first true love of music, thanks to my amazing Mother, pretty much my earliest memories were of Sabbath, since around 5
Holly shite geezars fingers move so fast on that last song you cant even hardly see them fingers are so fast it almost lookd unnatural
Ward is just killing it
he/ they were magical e? i miss my teens alot
The first metal band. This is so fucking cool.
Standard tuning never sounded this heavy. 1st two albums were that. Oz making up lyrics. I figured they just recorded an he forgot whet Geez wrote
Priceless stuff. The original Sabbath early on, in a very intimate setting, producing some of the darkest, heaviest, most powerful and most awe-inspiring sound in the history of rock music. I can imagine some guys coming to these early gigs primed with Purple "In Rock" and Led Zep II, complacently thinking they knew just how hard and heavy music can be. They must have passed out from the Sabbath shock within a few minutes.
Оззи це ботан. как и летов.
Ренди роудс конечно плохо играл. Хорошо что его заменили.
Think they was lipping it 😂😂😂
Makes me laugh that some people think that Ozzy has no talent 🤣
Absolute gold 🤘🏻
Ozzy is a beast in voice
Icone for metal mundial