Maine Lawmakers Take Up Drug Decriminalization And Treatment Bill In Committee ⋆ Patriots Hemp

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Maine Lawmakers Take Up Drug Decriminalization And Treatment Bill In Committee

Maine Lawmakers Take Up Drug Decriminalization And Treatment Bill In Committee

Maine lawmakers held a public hearing on Wednesday to discuss a bill to decriminalize possession of currently illicit drugs and invest in expanded treatment resources, taking emotional testimony from supporters.

The bill before the legislature’s Health and Human Services Committee, LD 1975 from Rep. Lydia Crafts (D), would repeal statutes criminalizing possession of Schedule W, X, Y and Z drugs and paraphernalia under state statute. It would also establish a Substance Use, Health and Safety Fund under the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

Beginning no later than June 30, 2024, the legislature would need to annually appropriate funds for the department to make investments to “increase voluntary access to community care for persons who need services related to substance use,” the bill says.

“The removal of possession penalties is an effort to rectify the criminalization of some substances. While we socially sanction others, substance use disorder without incarceration is already hard enough,” Crafts told the panel on Wednesday. “Our public health approach to LD 1975 aims at helping people rebuild their lives through evidence-based medical intervention, increased connection and vital social support. Incarceration, I believe, impedes this goal.”

Under the bill, the health department would need to provide

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