Spotlight on 2023 CannaTech Innovation Award Winner Cryo Cure ⋆ Patriots Hemp

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Spotlight on 2023 CannaTech Innovation Award Winner Cryo Cure

Spotlight on 2023 CannaTech Innovation Award Winner Cryo Cure

Known for its patented freeze-drying technology that transforms the traditional drying and curing process, Cryo Cure is filling an important niche in the cannabis cultivation process. Growers can now skip the hanging phase of drying while retaining the flower’s vibrant color, aroma, and potency.

This process drastically reduces drying time from weeks to just 13 hours, preserving terpenes and cannabinoids for a superior consumption experience. Their innovation has set new standards in the industry, providing cultivators with a reliable method to enhance product quality and consistency.

Cryo Cure’s patented technology revolutionizes cannabis drying and curing, preserving vibrant color, aroma, and potency in just 13 hours. (Credit: Cryo Cure)

Cryo Cure was recently awarded the 2023 Innovation Award for its revolutionary technology that preserves the “fresh from the farm” quality of cannabis. We caught up with representatives from CryoCure after winning the award to learn more about what the last year has yielded for the company and what the future holds.

Cannabis & Tech Today: What does it mean for your company to win awards like the 2023 Innovation Award?

Cryo Cure: Winning this award for 2 years means everything to us. It’s like wind in our sails that confirms we are on the right path, in the right industry. To be recognized by our peers is very encouraging and motivating.

C&T: How has the last year been for your business?

CC: We have had many incredible developments to our tech and we are excited to announce them this year. We also have multiple international and domestic deals in the works that make us feel very proud and accomplished. Cryo Curing is not a fad. It’s definitely here to stay!

C&T: What does it take to be an award-winning brand in cannabis today?

CC: Credibility, creativity, and quality with lots of ‘wow factor’ in everything you produce.

C&T: Why should companies and brands enter this year’s Innovation Awards?

CC: It is an incredible opportunity to be recognized by a trusted and reliable source for professionals. It’s not a pay-to-play award. If you win, you darn well earned it!

Congratulations again to Cryo Cure and all the winners of the 2023 Cannabis & Tech Today Innovation Awards! Stay tuned for highlights on each winner online and in the next issue of Cannabis & Tech Today.

2024 Innovation Award entries are open now through August 26, 2024.

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