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Lynyrd Skynyrd: Groundbreaking Documentary on a Legendary Band | Gone With The Wind | Amplified

[Applause] when Leonard Skinner emerged onto the world stage in 1973 for the band it was the result of their Collective determination having struggled to gain real recognition since they had formed eight years beforehand and although they were immediately identified both in the music industry and the press as yet another act in the Booming southern rock movement of the time it soon became apparent that these Floridians were not only an entirely distinctive musical unit but also one of the greate...[Read More]

Rise Of A Texas Bluesman | Stevie Ray Vaughan | Amplified

In the early 1970s in austin texas a young guitarist began to make his name on the local blues circuit tirelessly committed to a musical form many thought outdated ten years later that same guitarist became an international phenomenon a player of passion energy and awe-inspiring technical virtuosity stevie ray vaughan not only brought the Blues heritage of his home state to a global audience but also reinvigorated the genre itself and introduced it to a new generation of listeners stevie just se...[Read More]