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BEST UPCOMING MOVIES 2021 & 2022 (Trailers)

You’re a great mom i don’t know i’m fine with trevor but with phoebe she really keeps me on the outside that’s normal she’s an awkward nerdy kid maybe a new home can be an opportunity to start fresh i just wish he’d get into some trouble there’s still time What are you doing here in summerville anyway we’re completely broke and our grandfather left us this creepy old farmhouse in the middle of nowhere your father wasn’t much of a homemaker he...[Read More]


Get out of here Fear is a tool when that light hits the sky it’s not just a call it’s a warning I can take care of myself if this continues it won’t be long before you nothing left i don’t care what happens to me it’s only going to get worse for you oh take it easy sweetheart hear everything they say thank you maybe we’re not so different who are you under there i’m vengeance What’s black and blue and dead i got you Ever since i got bit by that spi...[Read More]