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I’m the boss but it’s lonely at the top In the building i own it i missed you so much that’s my girl you can’t solve everything with money but you can tim you haven’t changed at all excuse me what the frittata i’m in the family business and now you work for me boomers let’s roll Is that me baby corp needs you to drink this formula for one last mission you want me to be a baby again i’m texting him give me that flock of seagulls hey the boss is back...[Read More]

Top 10 How To Survive Movies

Tonight allows people a release for all the hatred and violence if they keep up inside them why don’t you guys kill someone tonight because we don’t feel the need to Joey just remember oh look at the purge does we’ll be fine just like always no worries okay this is your emergency broadcast system Announcing the commencement of the annual Purge at the siren all emergency services will be suspended for 12 hours your government thanks you for your participation yes someone please ...[Read More]