Home / Turning Red


Hey kid a little young for a bartender aren’t you a little old for prom aren’t you Everything in here why the map it’s the biggest treasure that’s never been found five billion easy but it’s just a story i beg to differ 500 years ago my family found the world’s biggest fortune then was betrayed people have been searching for it all in vain both you turn your keys clockwise at the same time thanks a lot he almost got me killed clockwise sully oh it was 50 50 so...[Read More]


Get out of here Fear is a tool when that light hits the sky it’s not just a call it’s a warning I can take care of myself if this continues it won’t be long before you nothing left i don’t care what happens to me it’s only going to get worse for you oh take it easy sweetheart hear everything they say thank you maybe we’re not so different who are you under there i’m vengeance What’s black and blue and dead i got you Ever since i got bit by that spi...[Read More]

The Best Upcoming ANIMATION Movies 2022 (Trailers)

Quick stretch little snack and here we go sonic i love that you want to help make a difference if you’re being reckless don’t worry nobody’s gonna get hurt pretending to be batman blue justice trademark pending you’re still just a kid trust me there will come a moment when your powers will be needed But you don’t choose that moment that moment chooses you i just got goosebumps wait a second did you steal that from oprah papa’s got a brand new stash since iR...[Read More]