Can Weed Help With Motion Sickness? ⋆ Patriots Hemp

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Can Weed Help With Motion Sickness?

Can Weed Help With Motion Sickness?


For quite some time we have known that weed can be great for those who suffer from general nausea caused by medication or treatments. However, when it comes to motion sickness or sea sickness the body isn’t experiencing quite the same reaction. Motion sickness comes from a different place to general nausea. It is caused by the bits of you used to sense movement such as the eyes, inner ear, muscles and joints. Rather than an upset stomach it is information confusion that causes nausea, dizziness and other aspects of sea sickness. So we know that weed can settle an upset tummy, but can it settle an upset brain? 


What Causes the Nausea?


As I’ve said, nausea is caused by a confused brain, but why is your brain confused? So when we walk around we get certain signals sent to our brain by our sensory areas that I previously described. There is a pattern of movement that we are used to which doesn’t make us feel unwell. However, if you are on a boat for example there is a third aspect to your motion that your body doesn’t control. The swelling of the sea and crashing of the waves on the boat and going to cause the floor beneath you to move in unpredictable and strange ways. So all our brain knows is that eyes are seeing a normal amount of movement, but the body is feeling something much more intense. Thus we get sick to varying degrees with some people having it so bad they have to be physically sick. 


How Does Weed Help With Motion Sickness? 


Unsurprisingly, the ECS (endocannabinoid system) is to thank for the general nausea improvement. As some of you will likely already know the ECS is responsible for the ways that weed affects us in general. This system contains molecules similar to the ones found in cannabis, which is why cannabis latches on to it. This is how cannabis usually helps with medical issues such as nausea, pain, depression etc. So in this way it is very possible that cannabis can decrease the nausea you feel when you get motion sick. On top of that cannabis is also used to reduce stress and anxiety, which can exacerbate motion sickness. Many over the counter meds for motion sickness are anti-nausea but they do also try to knock you out as much as possible to reduce the reaction  your brain is having to the confusing information it’s experiencing. 

However, if we are asking whether or not weed definitely helps with motion sickness the unfortunate answer is that we don’t know. There is a good deal of anecdotal evidence that suggests people have found it useful. There just haven’t been any medicinal or scientific trials that prove the theory. We do also know that in some people smoking weed can significantly increase nausea and vomiting, so there is a risk element. We know weed can help with nausea, and we know it can help with anxiety and stress, so in theory it should help with motion sickness. Here are a few of the better strains to try if you think weed could help you. 


Best Strains for Motion Sickness


Blue Dream


Blue Dream is one of the most popular strains for motion sickness. It has an excellent cerebral effect that is both energetic and long-lasting. Though it doesn’t shut you off like some more sedate strains it is great for distracting the mind from the confusing movement of the vehicle. This strain is well known for easing pain, stress and nausea as well as cramps. Medicinally this strain is popular because of its high CBD levels which can read 1 – 5%. The THC is also pretty impressively high at 25% so make sure you don’t go overboard, potentially literally. One of the reasons behind this strains’ popularity is its genetic background. Blue Dream was created by crossing Thai, Mexican and Afghani genetics with Blueberry and Super Silver Haze. This strain has a flowering time of 65 – 70 days and can be grown indoors or outdoors. 


Super Lemon Haze


If we are looking for nausea treatments strains with a citrus fruit in the name are probably a safe bet. Super Lemon Haze is relaxing and uplifting with a bright lemon scent. This strain is usually used by those who are lacking appetite due to medicinally induced nausea. Not only is this strain great for settling an upset tummy but the relaxation aspect can get you through the trip with minimal anxiety. Again we are working with some Super Silver Haze genetics this time combined with Lemon Skunk. The THC content of this strain is a little lower at 18 – 19% but still can be pretty intense if you smoke too much. She has a flowering time of 65 – 70 days and can be grown indoors, outdoors or in a greenhouse. 


Sour Diesel 


If you happen to be on a party boat or a road trip and don’t want to just be knocked out the whole time then Sour Diesel is definitely the best option. This strain’s effects are uplifting, chatty, cerebral, creative and energetic. It will soothe your tummy, reduce your anxiety, but won’t knock you out cold. You’ll still be able to focus and socialise with minimal sitting down to be dizzy for half an hour. Though it is a super upbeat strain it isn’t manic and won’t increase anxiety. In fact, it has a really nice relaxing back to it that will keep you calm and happy throughout the trip. Unless you just want to sleep the whole time a Sativa/Indica balance is usually a good idea. This strain has a flowering time of 70 days and it can be grown indoors or outdoors. 


Of course, there are plenty of options such as over the counter meds and tinctures if you get motion sick. Many people absolutely swear by weed, but maybe try it on a shorter journey if it’s your first time. Just to be safe. 



Written by Tasha Porritt



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Photo by Sane Sodbayar on Unsplash

The post Can Weed Help With Motion Sickness? first appeared on Cannabis Seeds News.

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