Hey kids how you boys doing you read the Bible yes well there’s this passage I got memorized so to fix this occasion Ezekiel 2517 the path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the Tyran of evil evil men blessed is he who in the name of Charity and Good Will Shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness for he is truly his brother’s keeper and the
Finder of lost children and I will strike down upon thee with great Vengeance and Furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers and you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengance upon Mee [ __ ] oh [ __ ] is she a friend of
Yours oh vinc Marvin Marvin vinc better tell him to shut the [ __ ] up he’s getting on my nerves Marvin Marvin Marvin I’d knock that [ __ ] off if I was you you mother why the [ __ ] didn’t you tell tell somebody was in the bathroom FP your mind did you forget that someone was in
There with a goddamn hand Cannon you see the size of that gun he fired at us was bigger than him we should be [ __ ] dead man I know we was lucky no no no no that [ __ ] wasn’t Lu yeah maybe this was divine intervention you know what divine intervention is
I think so that means that God came down from heaven and stopped the bullets that’s right that’s exactly what it means god came down from heaven and stopped these [ __ ] bullets I think it’s time for us to leave Jules don’t do that don’t [ __ ] blow this [ __ ] up what just happened
Here was the [ __ ] miracle chill julge this [ __ ] happens wrong wrong this [ __ ] doesn’t just happen do you want to continue this theological discussion in a car or in a jailhouse with the cops we should be [ __ ] dead my friend what happened here was a miracle
And I want you to [ __ ] acknowledge it all right it was a miracle can we go now let’s go [ __ ] come on [ __ ] if the rule you followed BR of this of what use was the rule do you have any idea how crazy you are you don’t have to do this
I’m a day trader I could just go home you good make it worth your while take you to an ATM there’s 14 Grand in it and everybody just walks away an ATM I know where the Satchel is if you knew you would have it with you I could
Find it from the riverbank I know where it is I know something better what’s that I know what it’s going to be where’s that it will be brought to me and placed at my feet you don’t know too certainly 20 minutes it could be here I
Do know to a certainty and you know what’s going to happen now Carson you should should admit your situation there would be more dignity in it you go to Hell all right let me ask you something if the rule you followed BR of this of what is was the rule do you have any idea how crazy you are you mean the nature of this conversation I mean the nature of you you could have the money Anton
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