Jimmy Page & Robert Plant - Since I've Been Loving You, Chicago 1995 (BEST VERSION) ⋆ Patriots Hemp

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Video Tags: Led Zeppelin,Live,Proshot,Page & Plant (Musical Group),Walking Into Clarksdale (Musical Album),Full show,John Bonham,John Paul Jones,rare,Stairway to heaven,whole Lotta love,Immigrant song,kashmir,black dog,Over the hills,concert,the song remains the same,Peter Grant,live,no quarter,most high,calling to you,in the mood,big log,ship of fools,Little by Little,heaven knows,film,interview,dogs of doom,Walking into Clarksdale,Big log,now zen,Unledded
Video Duration: 00:08:54

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  1. SIBLY is a powerful and awesome song but in THIS performance JP is letting the magic flow unbridled.

  2. Bad version that is exaggerated and out of time… too much is bad

  3. Page is on fire- amazing!

  4. I could do with less violin – they need to stay in their lane and not overpower the Gods with their sound.

  5. Не знаю осознавали они, что создают в воем музыкальном и стихотворном сочинение, которое воплотится через десятки лет и прийдет ( может) понимание что такое плохо и что такое хорошо! Любила и люблю этих красавчиков

  6. Its one of my favorite❤

  7. I was at this concert AMAZING!

  8. 数数有るハードロックバンドの中、ツェッペリンとパープルは音楽性、演奏スキル別格と長い間思ってた、🎯部分有れば外れも有る事を知ったのは僕より8つ年下のペイジの事なら僕の狭い見解で知る限りT.Iが1番、彼のお陰 ライヴで不要な音とミスが多い、一般的云えばミス無い人でもあんな低いポジションで弾けばミス出るやろ!高い位置で弾けばミスも少しは減る、でも止めない 彼は云う、ペイジを素晴らしいリフとハイスキルのギターリストと思ってはいけない 総合力の人 Studioレコは素晴らしい、今聴いても音褪せ色褪せ無い、パープルStudioレコとエライ違い アコギとエレキと1体ギター何本入ってるか数えた事有る?数々の音で織り込まれたStudioレコ だからライヴは、透か透かで聴けたもんじゃ無い、ブラックドッグなんて同じ曲?👂️疑う プラントもインスルジアウトドアから声が出なく成った ウィーン少年合唱団じゃないんだからハイトーンは全てファルセットそう聴こえないのは、上から声出して地声でもファルセットでも出せる中間声域が有り地声とファルセットを繋いでる、イミグラントの最初のシャウトは中間声域で出し、歌上がる所のプッシングから中間声域になり、アイワナゴーからファルセットにスムーズに繋げる、ブラックドッグも、ムーヴからメイキュスエットは中間声域へ繋げる その中間声域を失しなった だから下から地声出して上がらない所は節回して逃げる 若い時の彼等こそ、男が憧れる(女の子はベーシティかな?)ビジュアル+ワイドレンジヴオーカルとビジュアル+カッコいいリフとギターテク(若い時はミス少なかった)、パープルは流石にクラシックからお入りのお二人様の個々とユニゾンプレーはツェッペリンとは比較したら失礼は言い過ぎだがぐーんと上手い 話はシンスに戻るがド!ブルースなのにプラントが歌う(あのしつこいワードの繰り返しもハイトーンシャウトも含めとブルースに聴こえない ギターもブルースにしては哀愁ドラマチックで遂げられず忘れられなく引きずる男の恋歌を奏でる 少しかったるく 重く 渋く 厚グラスにアイスの塊1つ入てバレンタイン30年のダブルを口に含んで聴くブルースとは全く違う そんなに上手く無い2人がぶち素敵でカッコいい、あーシンス没頭コピーしたい❤と想わせる。僕はクリーム、クラプトン、ジョニーウインター、アルヴインリー、BBキング。。を、歌いたいとは全く思わない 歌いたいブルースはシンスだけ!ツェッペリンでもユーシュツクも君から離れも歌いたいとは思わない シンスだけ!文法で云えば、現在完了の継続と高校の時に習ったな。

  9. OMG!!! SO SEXY!!! BOTH Plant & Page were on their best that night!!! I can cry every time Robert Plant "screams" into those songs, & Jimmy Page can just "screame" out those notes on the guitar!!! So incredible!!!

  10. wawww 💌

  11. Like, I can’t. 😭

  12. Imagine if Wagner had had an electric guitar !

  13. ** I don't know what happened to Jimmy's tone on this, but it is not at all how he used to sound. Too Bad!

  14. Michael Lee, the phenomenal drummer has since died.😢

  15. Definitely NOT "The Best Version. THIS is>> "https://youtu.be/1gHlbHtdVLU?t=110 starting at the best 30 seconds of the song, and Robert didn't go off the rails with some of his…stuff.

  16. Might need to listen to this again and again..Over and over..

  17. they need to work on their intensity and cohesiveness and technical musicianship. …. LOL

  18. Niesamowite. Inny wymiar.

  19. Robert Plant is 🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥

  20. Well its nice to make a apearance but plants fire has gone out pages is stil shsrpp

  21. È alex magni vestito da robert plant.

  22. 💎💙☁️🎶💃 ♥️LOVE💔U💋ROBERT🎤👑 & LED🌟ZEPPELIN💛💃💘🕺✈️🌅🏖️🦀🕺&💃🛖🌴🌍🌌ENDLESS💛LOVE🌌✨1988 – ♾️💟☮️✨Twinflames ✨💌🗝️🔔🏆🥂💛🌟👑🎇🎁🎆🎉🥳🎊✨2023✨ 🇨🇴🧑‍✈️💔👸🇩🇪☁️👰💔🤵☁️🎶💙💎

  23. So pretty … makes you want to cum

  24. This is a commendable performance but not a whisker on Madison Square 1973. They were at the height of their abilities when they were still young. But kudos to try and duplicate it 22 years later.

  25. God Bless MarkZep

  26. Led Zeppelin ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  27. Jeez, i thougt that Earls court 73, was off the scale, but this is turned up to 11, at =5.38, is that really Robert's voice ?, its off the scale high, i have witnessed him using a harmoniser, on another song, i forget which, i think its something from Knebworth & he looks as if he is not sure where the technician is taking it, but its definitely not his natural voice, but this is brilliant, i its almost as if he is "forcing it", but it works, i am always looking on youtube for any Zeppelin or Page & Plant D.V.D.,S, that i havent seen or heard, everyone that i have heard is of a very high standard.

  28. Es un grande y immi Page mi hablar

  29. Ellos y mi canción que adoro como tantas

  30. Page and Plant must have dipped their toes into the fountain of youth on this night.

  31. Jimmy expresses so much pain in this particular song with his playing – brilliant!

  32. Najlepsza wersja w wykonaniu Page to Madison Square Garden in New York City in July 1973 from The Song Remains the Same. Szczególnie początek grany przez Page jest wspaniały. Oprócz dwóch dźwięków w 9 sekundzie, wszystko co zagrał w pierwszej minucie i 20 sekundach jest genialne. Nigdy nie słyszałem lepszej wersji. Oczywiście ta wersja też jest interesująca i gitara Paga bardzo, bardzo dobra.

  33. The people in the audience that night witnessed something incredible. Page and Plant were ON POINT and the drummer and the orchestra were gold. This was in my opinion cleaner and more powerful than the MSG concert back in the 70's.

  34. I saw this live and love zeppelin, but I love God way more! And God is Eternal!

  35. Por cosas como estas es que Led Zeppelin es inalcanzable!

  36. I'm up in the 300 level for this show. Couldn't see shit but it sounded amazing!

  37. This one number, just one, is what makes these guys legends of the rock and roll genre. Somewhere in the Mississippi Delta Robert Johnson is laughing with the Devil listening to this song.

  38. I think plant has a very big soft spot for Chicago

  39. N9 words….


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