Home / bill burr comedy

Bill Burr comedy on Black People.

mustard and he had like a moment of honesty they were like why can’t you guys win the games oh you know oh the offense isn’t getting it done you know defense you know they’re too slow and just run out tell them we gotta get some more black guys on this team but i’m telling you and immediately everybody’s like one [Applause] actually i got a couple of friends of uh african persuasion and uh i gotta get rid of him man i gotta admit to you i’m fine i’m spen...[Read More]

Bill Burr on Women for 20 minutes straight.

i feel i love women but you know what i’m finding i’m not compatible with them you know i’m serious women have like too much energy for me that’s what i’ve noticed you know like you can’t have a day off when you have a girlfriend they just like see that open day they’re like oh my god let’s go fill it up with some stuff no and then they just come at you with one horrible idea after another horrible ideas like you want to make some sandwiches and go...[Read More]